Who is this toddler and Where did my baby go?!
I mean seriously how cute are those invites? Beyond that I feel just as overwhelmed as I did with wedding planning and deciding how to decorate her nursery. As much as I love pinterest it puts so much in your mind you don't know which one to choose! I mean obviously her party will have a teal theme because everything I can make teal I do. Its also a good thing I don't have to worry about what she is going to wear since I bought it about a month ago at baby gap- my other addiction. These are some of the ideas I have found and like. You can find all of the links on my pinterest board
Her birthday is March 20th and were doing the party on the 23rd. In case you forgot that is VERY close to St. Patricks say so I definitetly think green beer green decor/ideas would be fun! ...Justin gets so mad at me when I talk about how much fun she's going to have getting to celebrate her birthday with green beer when she is older but I am just being realistic.
As always here are some adorable pictures of our ALMOST 1 year old.
"Mom Im trying to eat my grilled cheese. Why are you still taking pictures"
We had our 10month appointment this week since she was sick for her 9m
She wasnt so sure about the snow. She gets that from her mom.
I love this!!! So cute - just clean up the language or Big Poppy i sgoing to beat the @#$% out of you bottom. PS - I Love You.
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