Friday, March 1, 2013

What we love- months 4-5-&-6

Months 4-5-&-6

Sophie-around 4 months is when Collins started teething or at least putting everything in her mouth. I dot know why all babies love Sophie but they do! And she's adorable!

Comotomo Silicone Baby Teether- this little teething ring is great for little fingers to be able to hold onto to use! For whatever reason Collins loves to chew on her own fingers and the little parts of this are about the same size so she loves this! It's also easy to find in the bottom of a diaper bag!

Munchkin spoon tips- we use these more than the boon spoon (which is great for traditional food jars) because it was easier to buy the pouch foods and just attach these! Great for on the go too!!

Breathable mesh bumper- since your not suppose to use bumpers anymore ( which really helps lower your bedding price!) these are perfect! I didn't realize we would need anything until Collins started rolling from front to back or vise versa. One night I heard the loudest scream ever from her and ran in to find her chubby little leg stuck in between the bars or her crib from her trying to roll over and getting stuck! These help prevent that and are still safe! They come in cute designs now too!

BIBS- you will need a million of these when you first start feeding your little one baby food. It's insane how messy it is! We started off buying bibs wherever we found cute ones ( like these Aden & anis) but I eventually wanted bibs to certain outfits. You can find them here in my etsy shop! And if you want a certain fabric just let me know!

Excesaucer- You can really get any of the million different brands/ types. I think the excesaucers are great at first and are a good place to be able to put your baby in to run to the bathroom or whatever However I will say around 6-7 months we got the bright starts around we go and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I really think it helps them walk faster!! I could only find in on but I definitely recommend it!


katie ridings said...

I love the chevron bib :)!! & that chair she is sitting in is AWESOME!! She is so sweet!!

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